Fostering Early Skills and Independence

Playgroup is a smooth transition program for toddlers, allowing them to develop independence while still separated from their parents. Through play-based opportunities, kids explore, investigate, and develop a range of skills. The program focuses on skill-building and independence, with relevant learning experiences and special events to enhance learning. Co-curricular activities and a 10:1 student-teacher ratio also contribute to the child’s development. The program lasts 2 hours.


Playgroup's Daily Schedule

Presenting a thoughtfully crafted daily timetable tailored for our little stars in the Playgroup at our preschool 🤩

10 mins

Welcome and Free Play

Children are greeted into the warming, organized set-up classroom filled with energizing music. Through play and social interactions, children channelize their energies and settle into the environment.


10 mins

Circle Time

Circle time is a daily routine that energizes children and fosters a sense of community. As part of the circle time, children engage in yoga exercises, poem sing-alongs, storytelling, and discussions on unit specific things


60 mins

Activity time

Station time is planned by the teachers to provide children with the freedom to build skills, and stimulate their curiosity in various areas. Teachers design 3 to 4 activity corners centered around sensory exploration, fine motor skills, read-alouds, art and design explorations, music, and drama.


15 mins

Outdoor Play

Play group children spend15 minutes everyday in the outdoor play area participating in activities focused on strengthening their physical skills - activities include obstacles courses, ziplining, and tumbling.


15 mins

Snack time

Station time is planned by the teachers to provide children with the freedom to build skills, and stimulate their curiosity in various areas. Teachers design 3 to 4 activity corners centered around sensory exploration, fine motor skills, read-alouds, art and design explorations, music, and drama.


15 mins

Reflection Time

After a tiring and an action-packed day, children and teachers gather to recollect their energy and experiences. Reflection time is an opportunity to discuss the activities of the day, participate in storytelling, or sing unit-specific rhymes


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Vaishnavi Baikund

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